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Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 28c28
* Yellow pages at A9 - has 28,000,000 images from the streets of 20 major cities.
* Yellow Pages at A9 - has 28,000,000 images from the streets of 20 major cities.

Changed: 42c42
* The average number of words in a search query has risen over the years, from 1.3 (in ????) to 2.2.
* The average number of words in a search query has risen over the years, from 1.3 in 1994, to 1.9 in 1997, to 2.2 in 2004. (Filled in from Barney Pell's notes, as I only had the 1.3 and the 2.2.)

Changed: 54c54
—Dave Lyons
—Dave Lyons

BayCHI meeting, April 2005: Recent Innovations in Search and Other Ways of Finding Information

Background info on the panelists, at

This topic attracted a bigger crowd than the PARC auditorium could hold, and some people had to watch on the lobby's TV monitors. -- They announced that the audio will be archived, but I don't see it on the web yet. Some other attendees have posted their notes (follow BayCHI link above).

The 5 panel members got 5 minutes each for introductory remarks and demos.

Peter Norvig, "Director of Search Quality" at Google, showed a few examples:

Ken Norton from Yahoo:

Mark Fletcher from AskJeeves:

Udi Manber from A9 (a division of Amazon):

Jakob Neilsen:

Other comments

—Dave Lyons

DaveWiki | BayCHI | Edit | RecentChanges | Preferences | All Pages | lyons42
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Last edited April 15, 2005 11:20 pm (diff)